As an alternative to the finality of divorce, you may opt to legally separate. Legal separation may be used if you are unsure of whether to terminate the marriage but wish to establish rights and obligations in assets and debts, and establish orders for custody, parenting, child support, and maintenance, if applicable. The process to file a legal separation is exactly the same as filing a divorce; however, at the end of the proceedings, the parties are still legally married.
At Affordable Paralegal Solutions, our goal is to offer our clients affordable high-quality legal services. Whether we are dealing with the best interest of a minor child, or a complex allocation of assets and debts, our fees remain the same.
* Our fee does not include the Court filing fee. Please contact us directly for the filing fees in your county.
Our Company is devoted to providing you with high-quality legal services. If you have questions or concerns regarding the Legal Separation process, contact us directly at (520) 622-0200 or [email protected].